Beanie's Mom

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Whoops. Did it again.

Well, it's been a year. And while much has changed, much has not. I still have a ton of work to do before school starts in September. This time, however, I should be finishing the Masters degree. Provided all stars align and I pass exams, that is.

Beanie's heart sorted itself out. We weaned her from the meds starting when she was 9 months. We just let her grow out of the dosage. By the time she turned one, we stopped giving it to her. And then a week later, the cardiologist tested her and ran another Holter monitor. She was perfect.

She started walking on her birthday. And now that she's 18 months old, she climbs, runs, and chases the dog like a crazy lady. Here's the evidence of that:

I'll be blogging more soon, I promise!


  • YAY - it's a Shannon & Cassie blog!!

    I'm very excited you're writing entries again. I plan to stalk you regularly for updates. ;]

    By Blogger Meghan, At 11:47 AM  

  • Also, I had no idea about The Beanie's heart condition. I'm so glad she's off the meds, and that everything is in perfect working order.

    By Blogger Meghan, At 11:50 AM  

  • Oh yes! Please! You must write more. I know you have ten million things to do, but I can never get enough of your perspective on things, and of course of the WILD WOMAN Cassie as well!! More, more!

    By Blogger Megan@SortaCrunchy, At 3:40 PM  

  • Hee hee - and just so you know, I added you to the Blogs I Read, so maybe that will help motivate your writing for us. Your public demands it!

    By Blogger Megan@SortaCrunchy, At 5:59 PM  

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