Beanie's Mom

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Why Blog now?

So, I'm suddenly bitten with the blog bug. Why now? My daughter is almost 5 months old. I could have started with my pregnancy and detailed every little ache and craving. I could have started with her birth and subsequent hospitalization for a heart irregularity. I didn't.
There's really no one reason. I'm not keeping as good a written journal as I would like. I want to record the beanieness of Beanie on a regular basis, and I figure I'm more likely to do that with an audience.
How beanie is Beanie? She's just such a happy baby. We started calling her Beanie almost as soon as she came home. She was just a perfect little bundle in the Miracle Blanket I had ordered from Babycenter...lemminglike, I believed all the moms who raved. They happened to be right, but I hate being a lemming. I digress. Beanie had this lovely tendency to curl into the exact shape of a lima bean--only baby-sized. She was so cute, so tender. I sang to her, one day when she was dressed in a green terrycloth sleeper, "Cassie is a green bean, a green bean, a green bean..." It's stuck.

Maybe I'm beginning the blog because tonight's the first night we're putting her to sleep in her crib, instead of with us. It's a huge transition, but it's time. She's just so wiggly, and last week when we stayed with my grandmother, who only has a full-sized guest bed, we put her to sleep in the snuggle nest within the pack & play. She slept better than she ever had. One wake at 3 am, then up for the day at 6. I guess it's time, but we're sleeping on her floor until I'm confident that she'll sleep almost straight through. I won't make her wait in the middle of the night and wail for me. Besides, if we splurge on a room air-conditioner, this way we can all share it.

Sleeping Beanie:
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No more Miracle Blanket...but still curls.


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