Beanie's Mom

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Ahhh...July's almost over? Already? Man. I have to get to work.

I go back to school September 7. It will have been nine months since my last class; before Beanie, before the heart scare, before I was a mom.

I will be at the University only two days a week. Beanie will have to be in daycare only two days a week.

I'm not looking forward to it. Yet, I am.

I have work to do. I have a class to teach this semester; and while it's a class I taught before, I need to tweak the curriculum and the course materials. I need to order books, and talk to the secretary about my new office hours. I have to transition back into grad student from stay-at-home-mom.

It's hard.

I'm trying to suck the juice out of every day of the rest of the summer, when it's just Beanie and me, and nothing else matters. I've been really lucky to be able to be home with her for the first seven months of her life, and to only be gone two days a week thereafter.

I need to go work on that syllabus. Excuse me.


  • Hum. Comment-bots? Must be. Like vultures as I left my blog sitting in the arid landscape with no protection, they swoop in. Well I'm back now, so begone!

    Seriously. What real person calls a blog "inquisitive?" I ight be inquisitive, but my blog has no inherent ability to question.

    By Blogger kouredios, At 11:54 AM  

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